US Army Pistol Training Guide

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Pistol Marksmanship Training Guide is an excellent source of information for the competitive pistol shooter.

The details..

The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Pistol Marksmanship Training Guide is a comprehensive manual that explores all aspects of shooting with a pistol accurately in competition settings or otherwise ideal conditions - from stance to grip to sight alignment and trigger control; it also includes mental discipline and physical conditioning tips for competitive shooters.

In order to shoot accurately with a pistol, it's important to ensure that the weapon has been zeroed correctly so that it can perform optimally when fired under ideal conditions - this means having proper body position which points directly towards the target without any drifting or vertical movement outside of what's necessary for aiming.

Furthermore, correct sight alignment must be achieved through gripping firmly while applying pressure on the trigger straight backwards; breathing should be rhythmic but held during firing time in order to keep immobility as much as possible within one's ability.

Lastly, training methods are included in this guide which will help accelerate development into becoming an expert shooter who can master all elements required for accurate shots: stances & positions; breath control; sight alignment & minimum arc movements; plus psychological components like focus & concentration.

Resource Info

Page count: 94
Size: 2358kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available